Friday, June 20, 2008

Allys Graduation

Allyson graduated from kindergarten on Wednesday. I cant belive how fast she is growing up. We are now on summer vacation me(Renee) and Ally today was my last full time day at work and Allys last day of school. We will be hanging out together for the rest of the summer. Hooray!! At Allys grad my dad had his Bass boat so the kids thought they were so cool sitting in it in the parking lot.

Fathers Day

This was Fathers Day we had a cookout and dad was giving Ally a horsy ride around the living room.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

More Saco Pix

SACO 2008

This was the 10 year anniversary of Saco. We had a great time. It was Chris, Steph, Josh, Susan, Rian, Stacy, George, Joe, Dew, Renee & Me. The weather couldn't have been any better. Can't wait until next year.

SACO 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This past Saturday Kaleigh and Brittany went to the PROM. God that sounds weird. It feels like yesterday when we were going to Kindergarten graduatiuon now they are grown women ouch!! Kaleigh went with he boyfriend David they looked gorgeous.... Brittany went with her friend Ben. She also looked beautiful. They said they had a great time.