Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Yup, I'm a sucker. I couldn't say no forever. Here is the new addition to the Shaffer Family...Bentley!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is almost here!

and the Shaffer family will never be the same!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's Been a While!

Well, with the discovery of Facebook we don't really blog anymore. Not that we were doing it alot before.

I think I will try to blog on the 9th of each month just to see how it goes.

Is there anyone out there? Please comment if you are.

Peace, Keith

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Graduation Party

A special thank you to all of you who were able to make it. We appreciate it very much!

Con - GRADUATION's Kaleigh & Brittany

We are so proud of both of you! Lot's of love!


KK's heading to UNH Manchester! YAY!

Wedding Day!

Congratulations Kevin & Cindy...The Paris'

Ally's new pet

After Shelly (Hermit Crab) passed on Renee told Ally she could get a new pet. They decided on this cute little Guinea Pig.

Baseball Games

Allyson played for The Meat House and did a great job hitting and fielding.


Brittany and Amanda looked so beautiful. Kaleigh didn't go...boohoo!

Happy Birthday Pepe'




After ten years we finally are able to get away for a week without the kids. It was awesome! Why did we wait so long. Kevin and Lisa came with us and helped to make the trip unforgetable!

Happy Anniversary Renee...I love you.


Hangin' at the Magoon Plantation

Cindy's Bridal Shower

Ally Starts Baseball

Beach April?

We took advantage of some nice weather in April to go to the beach. Renee and I took Ally and Kaleigh and Dan met us there. The air was nice but the water was FREEZING!

Trip to Boston Aquarium

Renee and Allyson went to the Aquarium with Grandma, Meme', Memere' and Kolby. They saw Julie, Duke and Brooke when they were there...what a small world.

Happy Birthday Alyssa!

We went to our friend Alyssa's birthday party at Bounce U. We all had a blast!

Busy, Busy Busy!

Okay, I know it's weak. 28 days till Mexico...we have now been home for 38 days. With everything going on and with the addition of facebook, We find less and less time for the blog. I will now attempt to brief you on the previous 90 days of our lives.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009





Monday, March 30, 2009

Kaleigh was a ninja turtle for winter carnival for school dresses crazy and she was cleaning the writing off her car..... Allyson was getting in the last day of sledding barefoot and on the last pile of snow in our yard!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Renee


Kaleigh decided that she was going to get Renee a couple of cans of silly string for her birthday. She had a great plan. Her friend Amanda was going to sleep over Friday night and on Saturday morning before Renee got up they would blast her with silly string to get back at her for what she did to K on her birthday. However, due to some sort of deal that she made with the is not possible to pull the wool over Renee's eyes. SOMEHOW, she guess on Friday that K and Amanda were up to something. Then, after K left for work Friday Renee says to me "They're going to silly string me!". I played it off as if she paranoid and not to worry about it but I texted K to let her know she needed a plan b. Well, no real plan b arrived until K got home from work on Saturday when she told me she was going to do it a 11:59 pm Saturday night. IT WAS AWESOME! Renee just kind of laid there and accepted it with Kaleigh knowing that instead of getting even, she has just started the war.

It's all in good fun and I can't wait for the next prank. Oh, wait a minute...maybe I can.