Monday, March 30, 2009

Kaleigh was a ninja turtle for winter carnival for school dresses crazy and she was cleaning the writing off her car..... Allyson was getting in the last day of sledding barefoot and on the last pile of snow in our yard!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Renee


Kaleigh decided that she was going to get Renee a couple of cans of silly string for her birthday. She had a great plan. Her friend Amanda was going to sleep over Friday night and on Saturday morning before Renee got up they would blast her with silly string to get back at her for what she did to K on her birthday. However, due to some sort of deal that she made with the is not possible to pull the wool over Renee's eyes. SOMEHOW, she guess on Friday that K and Amanda were up to something. Then, after K left for work Friday Renee says to me "They're going to silly string me!". I played it off as if she paranoid and not to worry about it but I texted K to let her know she needed a plan b. Well, no real plan b arrived until K got home from work on Saturday when she told me she was going to do it a 11:59 pm Saturday night. IT WAS AWESOME! Renee just kind of laid there and accepted it with Kaleigh knowing that instead of getting even, she has just started the war.

It's all in good fun and I can't wait for the next prank. Oh, wait a minute...maybe I can.

Kaleigh / College

I am very, very proud to announce that Kaleigh has been accepted to two different colleges. Her consistant hard work has paid off!

Great Job KK!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We are sad to say Ma Tante Georgette passed away on Monday. We will miss her deeply....