Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today is Kaleigh and Brittany's 18th Birthday. The great parents we are we decided to crazy string Kaleigh at 6am.. she was a good sport and laughed the whole time she was more worried about us getting it on her bed and the wall.. I cant belive how fast time goes by.. Kaleigh and Brittany and Keith moved in with me when they were just 3yrs old. They were so cute.. Although i never wanted children. I didnt even like to babysit. But i adjusted and before long my everyday and night was filled with caring for those two girls.. As i look back I would not change a thing. I love those girls as if they were my own. We had alot of good times and rough times but I think that we brought up two beautiful,smart young ladies. As they turn 18 I am confident that they will be strong and well as they move on to their adult life. I love you girls from the bottom of my heart. Love MOM


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very nice......